
85 4 HEUREKA 1. Videos as online learning materials 2. Enriching the learning material videos with curriculum-based exercises 2.1. Enriching exercises 1/5 - Which part of the face? 2.2. Enriching exercises 2/5 - Möbius strip 2.3. Enriching exercises 3/5 - Coin toss and probability 2.4. Enriching exercises 4/5 - The lever brings power 2.5. Enriching exercises 5/5 - The core of the rain 1. Videos as online learning materials In the early stages of the OTA project, Heureka implemented short video-based lessons. Videos are to be used at the beginning of an online lesson, allowing the video to evoke and give perspective on the science topic. Video-based assignments with their school curriculum contexts constitute the actual learning experience, as they are based on the learner's personal experience and information retrieval and processing. To make the learning experience as strong as possible, complementary assignments help to widen the topic and strengthen the learning impact. The 5-minute videos and their learning materials have been made primarily for 11-14 year old pupils and their teachers, but some of the assignments are also suitable for primary school children, and some also offer materials for high schools and hobby groups or when studying with parents at home. The starting point for the videos were the art works from the National Gallery of Finland's collections. They contain the most significant works of Finnish art. The filming schedule was already in the autumn 2021 due to the upcoming renovation of the Gallery Museum. Six works of classical art were selected for the videos and cutting-edge researchers were invited to share their inspiration on those art works. They told about their research work in mathematics, chemistry and physics. In addition to the information content, they were acting as role models, as the researchers were chosen for their enthusiastic presentation. Some of the chosen researchers are quite young and they told about their own research careers. As the videos are also used elsewhere than in Finland, in the beginning of each video there is a briefing on the meaning of the work of art. Heureka's long experience in making teaching materials for Finnish teachers helped a lot when making the videos. Interviews have shown that teachers value easily structured learning content. They appreciate rather solemn ways of telling the facts. This was kept in mind: