
73 - we go around our permanent collection and look at the works of art, made or coloured with different kinds of paints. Part three: - we make our own egg tempera, - we paint a scene of our choosing with our new paint. TASKS Children have to answer some questions: - What is paint? - What kind of paints do we know (tempera, oil paint, pastel …)? - What are the differences between them? - What do we need to make our own paint? Children observe the works of art in the permanent collection and try to distinguish between different types of paint. Children make their own paint with pigments and yolk. GOAL OF TASKS To learn that everything people use comes from nature/natural world. To understand, what materials we can use to make paints and different colours. To learn how to practically make paint on our own. TEACHING METHODS: (creative-problem solving, resource-based learning, inquiry-based learning, setting small groups, teamwork, experiential learning) Experiential learning, resource-based learning, observing, creative-problem solving. CONSOLIDATION STAGE APPROACH/METHOD (discussion, argumentative debate, role-playing …) Practical work, discussion.