
12 2.3 THREE STAGE MODEL Philosophy of “education through science” speaks in favour of educating science through societal point of view to learn the science knowledge and concepts important for understanding and handling socio-scientific issues within society. It encourages creativity, communicative skills, other personal skills (such as initiative) and development of social values related to becoming a responsible citizen and undertaking science-related careers (Holbrook & Rannikmäe, 2007, p. 1347-1362). By establishing the THREE STAGE MODEL approach, education is coming from society to science and then from science back to society. The concept of THREE STAGE MODEL, the OTA methodology is leaning on, is described in an article from 2014, written by Sormunen, K., Keinonen, T., & Holbrook, J. in Science Education International on pages 43-56. Mentioned THREE STAGE MODEL (TSM) was instructional innovation of the PROFILES project (www.profiles-project.eu), which aims to arouse students’ intrinsic motivation undertaken in a familiar, socio-scientific context (scenario), to offer a meaningful inquiry-based learning environment (inquiry), and to use the science learning in solving socio-scientific problems (decision-making) (Bolte et al., 2012). The three stages are: 1. Scenario, 2. Inquiry, 3. Decision-making. 1. Scenario: In this stage pupils’ intrinsic motivation should be aroused. This should be accomplished by presenting pupils the issue, which is relevant to their lives and worthy of greater appreciation. The scenario should be set carefully, coming out of pupils’ everyday lives, a surprising phenomenon in nature or socio-scientific issue. The initial motivation forms a key launching platform for the intended science learning. It should set a base for scientific questions or other relevant questions for the topic. 2. Inquiry: should sustain motivation, set in Stage 1. It should meet learning outcomes through inquiry-based learning and enhance pupils’ social engagement through collaborative teamwork. Consolidation is also part of Stage 2 and contains presentations of the findings, discussion of the relevance and reliability of the outcomes, interpretation. 3. Decision-making: the consolidation in this stage is meant to give acquired science ideas relevance by including them back into the socio-scientific scenario, which provided the initial pupil’s motivation. Pupils reflect on the issue. It can be formed as an argumentation debate, role playing, discussion to derive a justified, society-relevant decision or consideration seen as reasonable by the class (Sormunen et al., 2014, p. 4356).