
51 Last but not least, in spite of the challenges of online education and the fact that it overturned the relationship between teacher-didactics, teacher-pupil and pupil-school and revealed a system quite "traditional" that does not keep up with the times, most teachers, especially in Cyprus and Italy, agree that online learning provided them with new possibilities and new ways of teaching. Teachers can prepare guidelines in advance and pupils can implement and repeat the experiments on their own, gaining more autonomy and freedom. Distance learning was an example of how, with a bit of creativity it could be possible to innovate and enrich the teachers' modus operandi. This is a positive aspect also highlighted in Chapter 3.2. Teachers might not be so familiar with innovative methodology, such as the STEAM method or the digitization of teaching yet, (as already proved by researchers in Chapter 3.2 and the OTA needs analysis) but they are open to new ideas and new material. They are ready to embrace innovation, and be more flexible when teaching science, but they need easy-to-use tools, training and a STEAM framework to follow. 4 CONCLUSION AND FINAL REMARKS The OTA needs analysis (IO1) together with the literature review reveal the need for an intervention that can help the target groups improve their skills and competences, leading to a more effective and smooth offline, but mostly online, teaching & learning of science. Only a well-educated teacher can create an appropriate environment for students to learn science, while also developing competencies needed for the 21st century, such as problem-solving and creative thinking. The OTA project seeks to exactly act as this kind of intervention. By providing an open learning methodology and the necessary implementation tools, it aims to support science teachers teach their subjects, with the use of arts and creativity, in this way, helping their pupils to enhance their wellbeing and learning results in science and overcome barriers due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. It is well proved from research that the additional integration of Art as a skill (STEAM) in the education of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can support and improve traditional education in Europe and globally. The aesthetic elements of handicraft and art promote understanding of scientific and more abstract concepts by exposing students to concrete space and shape experiences (Salmi et al., 2020). This is the real-time engagement and experience students need, especially now after the lack of interaction & socialisation that the pandemic and subsequent online education imposed. Research should investigate best practices to facilitate the online learning experience, integrating more interactive activities (Katić et al., 2021.) This is what the OTA project seeks to do, using Art as a powerful tool.