
50 The majority of teachers from all countries reported a high improvement of their digital skills due to the emergency of remote teaching, while most Cypriot and Finnish teachers mentioned an already high level of ICT skills even before the pandemic started. However, based on the findings of this same report and the above literature review, we can assume that these improved skills might only refer to the technicalities of online teaching: connecting to the internet, handling internet issues, using mostly platforms (such as Zoom or Teams) to deliver the lesson. All teachers have indeed reported using some digital tools to improve interaction (mostly platforms and shared documents), apart from the case of Finnish teachers who reported a limited use of tools. However, the literature review shows a limited use of interactive tools suitable for distance learning settings, such as videos, quizzes, online discussion forums, breakout rooms, games, virtual laboratories, simulations (this is especially the case for Cyprus). All teachers in the report admit that they need more training in digital technologies and more digital tools options. In terms of teachers’ ICT skills in Slovenia, according to research of National Education Institute of Slovenia from 2020 the majority of teachers is quite confident in independent usage of different digital tools, except when it comes to shooting and sharing an on-line courses (Zavod Republike Slovenije za Šolstvo, 2020). As for students’ concentration, motivation and interaction in online science lessons, most teachers in Slovenia, Cyprus, Italy and Finland agree with what the literature review reveals: a medium to low level of concentration online (lower than in class) and lack of interaction. This is due to the fact that the cameras were off and there was a lack of visual contact with the teacher and other classmates. Surprisingly, half of the teachers in Slovenia and Italy rated the interaction online as good, while Cypriot & Finnish teachers reported a lack of interaction that affected the learning motivation. This is a serious issue also mentioned in the literature review: the limited use of interactive digital tools resulted in lack of interaction, loss of interest & motivation of students. It is also worth mentioning that the majority of Slovenian, Cypriot and Italian teachers have never used an interdisciplinary/STEAM approach, namely to combine their subject to other subjects, possibly art. Italian teachers mentioned that they tried this approach online and students found the connections easy. All teachers recognize that this approach can make their lessons more interesting for students. Only Finnish teachers are more familiar with the interdisciplinary approach. An important factor for the success of this approach is, according to Finnish and Italian teachers, the good collaboration between teachers. This data agrees with the literature review that stresses the need for developing the skills and attitudes of teachers toward interdisciplinary teaching.