19 materials for pupils have to be easy reachable (preferably what is expected to be at homes) and not expensive. VISUAL FORMS TOOL STYLE Planar: subject is mentally transformed according to an ideal order and is presented as permanent, motionless, unchanging (Ancient art from the Middle East, Mediaeval Art) Plastic: realistic depiction, which includes shading, correct perspective and can inform other human senses (Renaissance, Roman Baroque, Neoclassicism, Biedermeier, and Realism) Painterly: recapturing the visual impressions, with sharp outlines lost, and the image made of patches of light and colour (Mannerism, Venetian Baroque, and Impressionism) Technological tools REPRODUCTIONS (DIGITAL AND ANALOGUE) Quality reproductions are crucial, both in digital and analogue forms. Open-source files available on Wikipedia, sites of larger international museums; contemporary works might be subject to copyrights. INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD Should include features to draw on, cut and colour filter the reproduction while using it in class. HOME-MADE VIDEOS Numerous social-media apps allow users to prepare short videos - can be used by pupils or by the OTA project to create intros for online lessons. 2.6 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The STEAM methodology aims to revolutionise the traditional concept of teaching because it substantially changes its connotations and the position of those involved. The classical face-to-face approach develops its potential in the dual relationship between teacher and student, where the established relationship is one-to-one and hardly open to others. The STEAM methodology goes over the classic vertical and hierarchical teacher-pupil relationship by proposing a more inclusive approach in which circular knowledge is established, where learning is more equitable, flexible and interactive.