
17 situations, thus a tool for motivation. It can be a tool for pupils to experiment and thus find the solution of a given problem. It can present an issue or problem itself in the first stage as the main character from which issue itself is presented in the first stage of the model. To follow OTA methodology, learning lessons have to be prepared as an ON-LINE COURSE but also with possibility to be implemented in real life sessions. They have to be linked to art expressions and follow the three stages of OTA project, as identified and described above. To follow three stages, lessons have to be linked to one or more societal issues or issues that are relatable for pupils. Art can serve as a presentation of a selected topic, serve as a tool for better explanation and understanding the scientific topic, which follows the curriculum. In consolidation state pupils are expected to find connection to issues, presented in the first stage. OTA project will follow developed Methodology with providing lesson plans and activities for the topics of three chosen N&S subjects - maths, physics and chemistry. The topics were identified by teachers as the hardest to learn and/or teach during the Covid-19 pandemic, when schools closed their doors all over the world and were exposed to a sudden reconstruction of their classes in on-line courses. Activities will be presented in a form, where the three stages of OTA Methodology will be clearly exposed. Form will also provide a quick overview of important information, such as art expression used, approaches/methods used, timeline, equipment needed and concrete description of proposed activity. Objective: The main objective of this methodology is to provide a framework of pedagogical principles for the development of practical examples for the topics in N&S subjects, which was reported to be the hardest for teaching or learning online in survey and focus groups meetings, done in IO1. The overall objectives of the methodology can be summed up as follows: 1) To provide educators with knowledge, skills and understanding of implementing STEAM methods in their classes. 2) To introduce to educators a variety of approaches for teaching science and concrete learning activities that follow these approaches. 3) To introduce to educators innovative approaches which are focused on pupils' motivation and emphasising pupils as a part of society, enhancing their roles as active citizens. Target Group: The target group of this methodology is two-fold: 1. primary target group: educators of N&S subjects of pupils in the age range 12–14. 2. secondary target group: learners within this age range.