
16 2.4.1 STAGES IN OTA METHODOLOGY: 1. Motivational stage: Link of the topic from curriculum to a society issue that is seen relevant from pupils’ perspective, issue linked to a phenomenon in nature or phenomenon from pupils’ everyday life. Setting the first stage properly is one of the crucial points when planning school lessons. If pupils are presented with an issue that is interesting to them, they are more likely to actively follow the content of the school lesson. Thus, the issue has to be taken from something that is supposedly familiar to pupils, or a problem they feel are capable of solving. Pupils' active participation in resolving issues or solving problems is also one of the elements that increases their willingness to participate. Tasks should therefore be clearly set in a way that they follow the exposed issue and lead toward the second stage. 2. Investigational stage: This stage is a natural follow-up of the first stage, where pupils take matters in their own hands, with aroused motivation to find the solution. To fulfil the task and find solution(s), pupils will strive for different teaching method(s). Focus on subject topic, presentation of the art expression(s) used, setting objectives of the learning unit, leading the process through appropriate teaching method(s), which are not necessarily exclusive: creative-problem solving, resource-based learning, inquiry-based learning, setting small groups, teamwork, experiential learning. Second stage is the centre of the lesson. This is the stage where pupils’ activities are in motion, their path of resolving issues and finding the solution. This is also a stage, where a room for open questions should be established. Teacher as a leader of the stages can in this stage also present any necessary information for pupils to follow tasks as undisturbed as possible. 3. Consolidation stage: Reflecting the issues with chosen methods, such as discussion, argumentative debate, role-playing and deriving relevant decisions considering the above issue. In this stage, pupils are expected to link the scientific topic to an issue that was presented to them in the motivational stage. They are expected to conclude the lessons with a meaningful conclusion, whether being it an important decision, report on experiment’s results observation. OTA project is connecting art and science, so the topics from any of the science subjects (physics, mathematics, chemistry) are using art as a tool. Art as a tool can perform several roles. It can be a resource that connects science with everyday life