
114 ART EXPRESSIOSIONS/VISU AL FORMS USED Pyramid model. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS -Pyramid model, bar, -wooden stick. MOTIVATIONAL STAGE TITLE OF THE LESSON Learning about analogies. ISSUE/PROBLEM (society issue, issue that is seen relevant from pupils’ perspective, issue linked to some nature phenomenon or phenomenon from pupils’ everyday life) What are the analogies? How do they affect our life? Criteria of beauty in art and social life. INVESTIGATIONAL STAGE DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY Pupils will firstly replicate the famous measurement that Thales used in order to find the exact height of a pyramid, using nothing but an ordinary wooden stick. As soon as they have recognized the effectiveness of the analogy, they are introduced in their use in everyday life. TASKS 1. Pupils read the testimony of the text about how the measurement of pyramid height is attributed to Thales. With the help of the pyramid model, as well as a bar, students try to understand in an experiential way how Thales was able to measure the height of the pyramid. 2. Pupils are asked to measure the analogy of torso and legs of ancient statue and today's models. Then they are asked to comment on their findings. GOAL OF TASKS - Pupils are introduced in the concept of similarity of triangles and shapes. - Pupils connect the similarity with the parallel. - Understand the meaning of the similarity ratio. - Pupils are introduced to the general historical and social framework, which through democracy and its implied legal reason, created the conditions for the emergence of theory and proof.