
110 TASKS Students are first taught the Pythagorean theorem and apply it to some mathematical exercises. If you're just introducing the basic concepts, the spiral is a useful activity on Pythagoras' theorem. They are introduced to the activity: Step 1: Students individually gather the material they will use. Step 2: To construct a spiral, they make a right angle with sides A and B of equal length, which becomes the "1" value. Next, they make another right triangle using side C of their first triangle – the hypotenuse – as side A of the new triangle. They keep side B the same length at their chosen value of 1. Step 3: They repeat the same process again, using the hypotenuse of the second triangle as the first side of the new triangle. It takes 16 triangles to come all the way around to the point where the spiral would begin to overlap their starting point, which is where ancient mathematician Theodorus stopped. Step 4: Students are asked what they observe. Step 5: Students are asked to explain the outcome. GOAL OF TASKS - To learn about the Pythagorean theorem, - to create their own snail-like spiral, - the spiral's resemblance to a snail shell provides an opportunity to discuss the ways mathematical relationships show up in the natural world, and helps create colourful decorative schemes. TEACHING METHODS: (creativeproblem solving, resource-based learning, inquiry-based learning, setting small groups, teamwork, experiential learning) Experiential learning, resource-based learning, observing. CONSOLIDATION STAGE