deliver the lessons and it was considered fundamental that children had constant contact and engagement with teachers. As evidenced by a teacher in the focus group, “direct contact between pupils and teachers was crucial” and one of the best ways to sustain the motivation and participation of the pupils were live classes (using camera, Teams, Zoom, other tools) rather than just sending lesson material to children. Therefore, the use of digital tools allows them to deal with distance teaching with a new and alternative language to the traditional one. Another important element for OTA investigation was the teachers’ level of stress during the pandemic and understanding what was more stressful for them during that period. For the survey’s respondents online teaching was quite stressful for a half of the participants (among them 22 % considered it extremely stressful). They found most stressful the problems related to no live connection and the time management; others would have preferred to have more digital options and more digital skills. Curricula Regarding the most difficult subjects to teach and learn online, we notice that there is almost always a correspondence between the difficulties of the teachers and those of the students. MATHS Target group: teachers For Maths the most difficult subjects in teaching online were: ● Transformation ● Geometric concepts ● Functions ● Percentage Transformation was the hardest topic to teach online; the most difficult sub-topics were: - Concept of line bisectors and angle bisectors and solve construction problems - Transformations (mirroring displacement, rotation) and their properties 9