3. SuRVey After the definition of the common curricula, the creation of a survey and its administration was the next step: thus, an online questionnaire was prepared in order to identify the needs and challenges of science teachers, particularly in regard to online teaching and learning. The survey represents an important milestone for the investigation of the learning needs of the target group because it allowed the consortium to have a privileged view on the difficulties that teachers and pupils faced during online teaching and allowed also to have both a quantitative and qualitative view. It was very important to acquire the vision of those who everyday deal with the problems within the formal education institutions, especially during a delicate moment as online teaching has been and continues to be. In order to have a wide view on what the strengths and weaknesses of online teaching are, as well as the risks and opportunities that derive from it, the survey was divided in three parts, to investigate different aspects. In the first part of the survey the questions were aimed at investigating what the challenges were that teachers of natural and scientific subjects faced with online teaching; their feelings, experiences and methods experienced during the distance teaching. This part was aimed at exploring how distance learning had changed the perspective of teachers in relation to their students and their profession, and at evaluating the degree of flexibility to which they were called on after such a radical didactic change. The second part of the survey goes into much more detail; the questions refer specifically to the common topics resulting from the crossing research of the 4 national curriculum. The main objective of this part was investigated on: - which subjects were most difficult for teachers to explain online - which subjects were most difficult for students to learn online. In this case the survey wanted to investigate both teachers’ and pupils' difficulties: understand which subjects were the hardest to teach and learn in online mode. The last section of the surveyreferred to the teachers' experiences and opinions on the STEAM interdisciplinary approach; in this case the survey was useful to understand the attitude of natural and scientific teachers to use art within their teaching. 5