
5.4 ITALY Among the 32 Italian teachers, who responded to the questionnaire, 25 teach Mathematics, 3 Chemistry and 3 Physics; the majority of the interviewed have more than 10 years of experience in teaching so we can suppose that they are aware about the needs of the school system and above all the needs of the students. Majority of Italian teachers, who have responded to the survey, rated their digital skills at the start of the Covid-9 pandemic as well as improved them after the recent years. During the focus group teachers commented that the online teaching challenge led them to experiment with different tools that could have helped them to give a more playful approach to the lessons. This allows them to improve their digital competences and study other ways to teach and interact with their students. This improvement underlines the willingness of teachers to be closer to the needs of their students. The results that focus groups show are confirmed also by the evaluation of those who responded to the survey about the students’ level of attention. Most of them, in fact, don’t consider their students’ attention to be drastically reduced but rated it on average. In support of this evaluation, it’s important to take in consideration what results also from the focus group: despite all the problems that distance learning has created, some of the teachers interviewed noticed a greater concentration during distance learning and a different participation. All teachers agree, for example, that during distance learning, the shyest pupils, who normally hardly interacted, were able to express themselves; it was as if the online dimension made them feel more at ease, outside the classroom dynamics. Another important data is how teachers evaluated the interaction with their students. If half of the respondents to the survey rated this interaction in the average, what arouses the most curiosity is the 35,5% of teachers who believe that the interaction with the students, during the online teaching was very good! Almost all teachers used some digital tools to improve the interaction with the pupils Meet, Classroom, Jam board, GeoGebra, Virtual whiteboard, Quiz online, Quiz Zoom, Google documents, We school, Games, WhatsApp, Argo platform. 31