
5.3 Finland Among the 49 Finnish teachers that responded to the questionnaire the majority of them were teachers who teach maths (81 %); the 67 % of respondents teach physics, 12 % teach ICT subjects, and 5 of them teach chemistry. In Finland, the majority of the respondents to the survey have more than 10 years of experience in teaching, and a good 22% have been teaching more than 6 years. Also, in this case teachers who responded to the survey confirmed that the online teaching challenge allowed them to do lots of experience and improve their digital skills already considered very high! The ratings of Finnish teachers interviewed in the focus group revealed some problems during online teaching and the main problem they faced was the polarization within the classroom that had deepened during the pandemic. In fact, they noted that even if some pupils were very active and prompt, able to control their online work, some were not motivated and have lowered the level of attention considerably; these data are also confirmed by the teachers who responded to the survey, who considered the attention level of their students to be significantly lowered. Despite this and even though they rated the level of interaction with their students as low, Finnish teachers did not make much use of digital tools. The few who did use them mentioned Google Classroom, Teams, Zoom, Jamboard, Meets, WhatsApp. The teachers who responded to the questionnaire stated that they had significantly changed the online lessons compared to the face-to-face ones, both in content and in the way of delivering the lesson: also, for this reason, the teachers interviewed noted a high level of stress due to distance learning. The main causes of stress, as in the cases of the other partner countries, were time management and problems related to the internet connection. The teachers in the focus group also added that it was frustrating, during the online connections, to see the pupils not concentrating and some specifically with their cameras off. 23