
According to Physics teachers, the most challenging topic to teach online was the Accelerated motion and Newton’s second law; Cypriot professors found it particularly difficult to teach: - Description of movement and straight steady movement and repetition - Relationship between mass, force and acceleration - Path at steadily accelerated motion - Free fall In Forces, they found difficult topics like Interaction Act, Friction and resistance, Measurement of forces andSpring balance, Balance of forces and Center of gravity. Regarding Density, pressure and buoyancy, all teachers interviewed consider Atmospheric phenomena and weather the most difficult topic to teach online; they also found difficult: Density and specific gravity and Fluid pressure. Target group: StudeNts For students, the most difficult Physics subjects in learning online correspond to topics that were difficult for teachers: ● Accelerated motion and Newton’s second law ● Forces ● Density, pressure and buoyancy Most Physics teachers agree that the most challenging topic for students to learn online was theAccelerated motion and Newton’s second law, in particular: Path at steadily accelerated motion, Description of movement and straight steady movement and repetition, Free fall and Relationship between mass, force and acceleration. In second place we findForces andDensity, pressure and buoyancy. For the first one InteractionAct, Friction and resistance, Measurement of forces and Balance of forces were considered the most difficult topics to learn online. 21